Poems, Prayers and the Occasional Rant...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Quiet Conviction

I feel as though I'm in the middle of a huge a spiritual struggle. If I don't start talking about it, it will become an even bigger secret than it already is. I need prayer, and I'm not sure how to deal with how I'm feeling. I'm not sure why I feel the way I do. I want to make sure this is something I hold sacred and dear because I believe it. Not because someone told me to.

Quiet Conviction

quietly He whispers
asking me once more
His disobedient child
to break away from the world
and walk in faith beside Him

silently I lie awake
wishing it was easier
for my restless flesh
to trust in His ways
and live only for Him

softly He calls me
reminding me again
His love is all I need
abound in grace, peace and mercy
if I will only follow Him

humbly I seek forgiveness
wondering if my stubborn spirit
will finally rest in Him
separated from the sin
that leaves my heart convicted

April 2006


none said...

Oh, Abby. I may not give you any advice, but I promise I will always listen.

Senegal Daily said...

I love you and am praying for you. Always, Abby. Always.